洪 岩,党苗苗,费 楠,夏秀芳.超高压对肉制品中微生物及品质的影响[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2015,6(2):545-549
Effect of ultra-high pressure technology on microbial and quality of meat products
投稿时间:2015-01-02  修订日期:2015-02-07
中文关键词:  超高压技术  肉制品  微生物  肉制品品质
英文关键词:ultra-high pressure  meat products  microbe  meat quality
洪 岩 东北农业大学食品学院 
党苗苗 东北农业大学食品学院 
费 楠 东北农业大学食品学院 
夏秀芳 东北农业大学食品学院 
HONG Yan College of Food Science, Northeast Agricultural University 
DANG Miao-Miao College of Food Science, Northeast Agricultural University 
FEI Nan College of Food Science, Northeast Agricultural University 
XIA Xiu-Fang College of Food Science, Northeast Agricultural University 
摘要点击次数: 1753
全文下载次数: 1804
      超高压技术凭借其明显的诸多优点应用于肉制品加工中越来越多, 它能够有效地延长食品的贮藏期, 这与其能够杀死肉中的微生物有关。同时, 经高压处理后的肉制品的品质会有所变化, 不同动物的肉经过高压处理后的颜色变化不同; 代表肉嫩度的剪切力也会改变, 适当的高压会提高肉品的嫩度, 用不同的压力水平和时间处理肉制品时, 肌肉蛋白所产生的凝胶的硬度也不同。超高压技术也存在一些缺点, 诸如肉制品在经过不同的压力水平和持续时间的高压处理时会引发脂质氧化, 导致肉制品的货架期变短。本文从超高压技术在肉制品加工中对于肉制品中微生物以及肉制品品质方面的影响进行综述, 为超高压技术可以更好地应用于肉制品加工提供一定的理论依据。
      The ultra-high pressure technology was used in the meat processing more and more popular, which could effectively prolong the storage period by killing the microorganisms in meat. At the same time, after high pressure processing, there were different meat color changes from different kinds of animal, as well as the changes of shear force which stood for the tenderness of meat, and the appropriate high pressure would improve meat tenderness. With different levels of pressure and time processing, the gel hardness produced by the muscle protein was different. There were some disadvantages of ultra-high pressure technology, such as lipid oxidation, leading to shorter shelf life of meat products after different stress level and duration of high pressure processing. This article summarized the change of microorganisms in meat and meat products quality after ultra-high pressure technology, and provided certain theoretical basis for ultra-high voltage which could be better applied to meat products processing.
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