赵 岩,唐国胜,侯莹莹,牛淑静,郜玉钢,韩 雪,张悦怡,沈彦龙,张连学.植物甾醇酯合成工艺研究进展[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2015,6(2):585-590
Research on synthesis technology of phytosterol esters
投稿时间:2014-11-18  修订日期:2015-01-21
中文关键词:  植物甾醇酯  合成工艺  化学法  酶法  离子液体法  无溶剂直接酯化法
英文关键词:phytosterol esters  synthesis process  chemical method  enzyme method  ionic liquid  solvent- free direct esterification method
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划项目(2011BAI03B01)、国家公益性行业科研专项(201303111)、科技部科技人员服务企业项目(2009GJB10031)、吉林省科技发展计划项(20130303094, 20140204013YY, YYZX201258, 20140311050YY)
赵 岩 吉林农业大学中药材学院 
唐国胜 吉林农业大学中药材学院 
侯莹莹 吉林农业大学中药材学院 
牛淑静 吉林省食品药品审评中心 
郜玉钢 吉林农业大学中药材学院 
韩 雪 吉林农业大学中药材学院 
张悦怡 吉林农业大学中药材学院 
沈彦龙 吉林农业大学中药材学院 
张连学 吉林农业大学中药材学院 
ZHAO Yan College of Chinese Medicine Material, Jilin Agriculture University 
TANG Guo-Sheng College of Chinese Medicine Material, Jilin Agriculture University 
HOU Ying-Ying College of Chinese Medicine Material, Jilin Agriculture University 
NIU Shu-Jing Jilin Food and Drug Estimate Center, 
GAO Yu-Gang College of Chinese Medicine Material, Jilin Agriculture University 
HAN Xue College of Chinese Medicine Material, Jilin Agriculture University 
ZHANG Yue-Yi College of Chinese Medicine Material, Jilin Agriculture University 
SHEN Yan-Long College of Chinese Medicine Material, Jilin Agriculture University 
ZHANG Lian-Xue College of Chinese Medicine Material, Jilin Agriculture University 
摘要点击次数: 2436
全文下载次数: 2222
      植物甾醇为植物油中的一种天然组分, 植物甾醇中主要包括β-谷甾醇、豆甾醇等一类以环戊烷全氢菲为骨架的天然生理活性物质, 能够有效抑制肠道对外源性胆固醇的吸收, 从而降低血清中总胆固醇的水平。而植物甾醇酯(PE)是它的酯化产物, 与植物甾醇相比具有更佳的脂溶性和更优的降血清胆固醇功效, 可作为一类具有降低血清胆固醇、预防心血管疾病等功效的新型功能食品添加剂。而植物甾醇酯与植物甾醇相比, 能比较方便地添加到油脂或含油脂的食品中。本文介绍了植物甾醇酯合成的研究概况, 并阐述了化学法、酶法、离子液体法、无溶剂直接酯化法合成植物甾醇酯, 为研发高效、环保、可靠、安全的植物甾醇酯提供参考, 同时也为进一步的研究植物甾醇酯的合成技术提供参考意见。
      Phytosterol is a kind of natural components of the vegetable oil including stigmasterol and β-sitosterol, etc. Phytosterol can inhibit intestinal exogenous cholesterol absorption and reduce serum total cholesterol levels and so on. Phytosterol esters have better lipid solubility and cholesterol lowering effect than Phytosterol, furthermore, it is a new functional food additive to reduce serum cholesterol and prevent cardiovascular disease. Phytosterol esters can be more easily added to the grease or greasy foods than phytosterol. This article described the synthesis of phytosterol esters overview and introduced the chemical method, enzy-matic method, ionic liquid method and solvent-free direct esterification synthesis about synthesis of phytosterol esters to develop an efficient, environmentally friendly, reliable and safe phytosterol esters synthesis technology and provide a reference for people to further studythe synthesis of phytosterol esters.
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