刘名扬,肖珊珊,于 兵,杨春光,赵景红,金 雁,朱程云.水产品中孔雀石绿和结晶紫残留检测技术的研究进展[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2015,6(1):35-40
Research progress of the residue determination of triphenymethane dyes in aquatic product
投稿时间:2014-11-17  修订日期:2015-01-16
中文关键词:  水产品  孔雀石绿  隐色孔雀石绿  结晶紫  隐色结晶紫  检测技术
英文关键词:aquatic product  malachite green  leucomalachite green  crystal violet  leucocrystal violet  analysis technology
刘名扬 辽宁出入境检验检疫局, 大连交通大学环境与化工学院 
肖珊珊 辽宁出入境检验检疫局 
于 兵 辽宁出入境检验检疫局 
杨春光 辽宁出入境检验检疫局 
赵景红 辽宁出入境检验检疫局 
金 雁 辽宁出入境检验检疫局 
朱程云 大连交通大学环境与化工学院 
LIU Ming-Yang Liaoning Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, College of Environment and Chemical Engineering, Dalian Jiaotong University 
XIAO Shan-Shan Liaoning Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 
YU Bing Liaoning Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 
YANG Chun-Guang Liaoning Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 
ZHAO Jing-Hong Liaoning Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 
JIN Yan Liaoning Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 
ZHU Cheng-Yun College of Environment and Chemical Engineering, Dalian Jiaotong University 
摘要点击次数: 2132
全文下载次数: 2336
      三苯甲烷类染料孔雀石绿和结晶紫因具有抗菌等活性, 常被违法用于水产养殖业。但孔雀石绿、结晶紫及其代谢产物隐性孔雀石绿、隐性结晶紫均具有致癌性, 所以水产品中这4种碱性染料的残留检测是食品安全分析的重要问题之一。本文就孔雀石绿、结晶紫及其代谢物的化学性质、危害性、使用状况、现有的前处理方法和仪器分析方法等进行了综述。由于水产品基质复杂, 样品前处理尤为重要。基于固相萃取技术、QuEChERS技术的高效液相色谱法、高效液相色谱-串联质谱法等方法, 适合于水产品中孔雀石绿和结晶紫及其代谢物的快速同时检测, 在实际检测中得到广泛应用。同位素稀释质谱法和混合模式色谱法等新型检测技术与新型净化材料将是检测孔雀石绿和结晶紫的发展新方向。
      Triphenylmethane dyes malachite green (MG) and crystal violet (CV) have been used as antimicrobial, antiparasitic and antiseptic agents in aquaculture. However, MG and CV as well as their metabolites leucomalachite green (LMG) and leucocrystal violet (LCV) are potential mutagen and carcinogen. In this paper, chemical properties, harmfulness, utilization, pretreatment methods and instrument analysis method of MG, CV and their metabolites were reviewed. Considering the complexity of aquatic products, sample pretreatment was significant for improving matrix interference and increasing detection sensitivity. Combined with solid phase extraction technology and QuEChERS technology, high performance liquid chromatography method and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method were suitable for the rapid determination of MG, CV and their metabolites in aquatic products. The new detection technologies, such as isotope dilution mass spectrometry and mixed-mode chromatography, and new materials, would be the new direction of the detection of MG and CV.
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