高 鹭,董伟峰,彭心婷,史立娟,李 妍,庞艳华,徐 静,曹际娟.高效液相色谱氢化物发生原子荧光光谱联用检测海藻中砷形态[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2015,6(1):145-151
Determination of arsenic speciation in seaweeds using high performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet photo-oxidation-hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry
投稿时间:2014-11-14  修订日期:2015-01-20
中文关键词:  海藻  砷形态  高效液相色谱-氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法
英文关键词:seaweed  arsenic speciation  high performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet photo- oxidation-hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry
高 鹭 辽宁出入境检验检疫局 
董伟峰 辽宁出入境检验检疫局 
彭心婷 塔城出入境检验检疫局 
史立娟 辽宁出入境检验检疫局 
李 妍 辽宁出入境检验检疫局 
庞艳华 辽宁出入境检验检疫局 
徐 静 辽宁出入境检验检疫局 
曹际娟 辽宁出入境检验检疫局 
GAO Lu Liaoning Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 
DONG Wei-Feng Liaoning Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 
PENG Xin-Ting Tacheng Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 
SHI Li-Juan Liaoning Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 
LI Yan Liaoning Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 
PANG Yan-Hua Liaoning Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 
XU Jing Liaoning Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 
CAO Ji-Juan Liaoning Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 
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      目的 测定14种海藻样品中总砷和无机砷的含量, 同时分析样品中6种砷形态。方法 将海藻样品经过微波消解的前处理方法, 通过电感耦合等离子体质谱(inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, ICP-MS)测定总砷含量; 根据国标方法中无机砷检测的前处理方法, 通过原子荧光光谱(atomic fluorescence spectrometry, AFS)测定无机砷含量; 最后通过酸提的前处理方法, 利用高效液相色谱-氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法(high performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet photo-oxidation-hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry, HPLC-(UV)-HG-AFS)测定海藻样品中6种形态砷含量并与国标无机砷方法比较。结果 14种海藻样品中总砷含量为0.038~46.2 mg/kg; 无机砷含量为0.006~19.3 mg/kg; 对HPLC-(UV)-HG-AFS仪器的优化和方法的摸索后, 从海藻样品中主要测得的砷形态为As(III)、As(V)和DMA, MMA含量较少, 没有测出AsB和AsC。结论 在砷形态较为复杂的海藻样品检测中, 通过HPLC-(UV)-HG-AFS检测方法可以有效避免无机砷前处理中可能出现的有机砷向无机砷转变的现象, 降低干扰, 增加测试的准确性, 更为具体地表现海藻样品中主要的砷形态含量。
      Objective The content of total arsenic and inorganic arsenic were determined in 14 seaweeds and 6 kinds of arsenic species were determined at the same time. Methods The content of total arsenic was determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) after microwave digestion. According to the pretreatment method of national standard method, the content of inorganic arsenic was determined by atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS). The results of 6 arsenic species were studied by high performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet photo-oxidation-hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HPLC-(UV)-HG-AFS) after acid extraction, which were compared with the national standard method. Results In 14 seaweeds, the content of total arsenic ranged from 0.038 to 46.2 mg /kg and the content of inorganic arsenic ranged from 0.006 to 19.3 mg/kg. After the instrument optimization and methods of exploration, only As(III), As(V) and DMA were found in seaweed samples. The content of MMA was less. AsB and AsC were not detected. Conclusion Through the detection method of HPLC-(UV)-HG-AFS, some seaweed samples with complicated morphology can effectively avoid the transformation between organic arsenic and inorganic arsenic. It can reduce interference and increase the accuracy of the test. More arsenic speciation will be performed in seaweed samples.
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