高宏,徐慧,贾涛,郭芳芳.气相色谱法测定氢化油脂加工食品中反式脂肪酸含量[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2015,6(1):321-327 |
气相色谱法测定氢化油脂加工食品中反式脂肪酸含量 |
Determination of the trans-fatty acids in hydrogenated fat processed foods by gas chromatography |
投稿时间:2014-11-05 修订日期:2015-01-08 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 气相色谱法 反式脂肪酸 氢化油脂 加工食品 |
英文关键词:gas chromatography trans-fatty acids hydrogenated oil processed foods |
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摘要点击次数: 1970 |
全文下载次数: 2820 |
中文摘要: |
目的 建立气相色谱法测定氢化油脂加工食品中反式脂肪酸含量的分析方法。方法 采用HP-88毛细管石英柱(30 m×0.25 mm×0.20 μm)分离定性和定量43种饱和脂肪酸、不饱和脂肪酸, 并应用于市售饼干、糕点、冰淇淋、奶茶、巧克力、咖啡等加工食品中的反式脂肪酸含量测定。结果 顺、反式脂肪酸在30 m长的毛细管石英柱分离情况良好, 各反式脂肪酸在3~100 μg/mL浓度范围内TFA线性良好(R≥0.9990), 重现性好(RSD<6%), 回收率85.3%~91.8%, 检测限为0.01 g/100 g; 其分离速度较100 m长的毛细管石英柱提高了1倍; 奶油蛋糕、炼奶起士、饼干类含有的反式脂肪酸含量较高, 且以反式棕榈油酸(t-C16:1)、反式油酸(t-C18:1)为主。结论 该方法快速、准确、分离良好, 可作为检测氢化油脂加工食品中反式脂肪酸含量的推广方法。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective To develop a method for the determination of trans-fatty acids in processed food by hydrogenated oil using gas chromatography(GC). Methods 43 kinds of fatty acids were separated qualita-tively and quantitatively by HP-88 qualified column(30 m×0.25 mm×0.20 μm), and the method was used to detect trans-fatty acid concentration of biscuits, cakes, ice cream, milk tea, coffee and other processed foods. Results The trans-and cis-fatty acids were separated. It had a good linearity at concentrations of 3~100 μg/mL, the RSD was within 6.0%, the recovery was 85.3%~91.8%, and the limit of detection was 0.01 g/100 g. The separation rate was doubled than that of 100 m long quartz capillary column. The results showed thatt-C16:1 and t-C18:1 trans-fatty acids were detected mainly in cream cakes, biscuits, and refined milk cheese classes. Conclusion The method is rapid, simple, and sensitive, and has been successfully applied in determination of trans-fatty acids in processed food by hydrogenated oil. |
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