郑炯,杨琳,崔小利,张甫生,夏季,杨小珊,阚建全.美国和欧盟食品安全监控体系的特点及其 对我国的启示[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2014,5(11):3739-3744
美国和欧盟食品安全监控体系的特点及其 对我国的启示
Characteristics of food safety regulatory system of USA and EU and its enlightenment to our country
投稿时间:2014-10-15  修订日期:2014-11-17
中文关键词:  食品安全监控体系  监管机构  法律体系  检验检测体系  信息系统
英文关键词:food safety regulatory system  regulatory agencies  legal system  inspection system  information system
郑炯 西南大学食品科学学院 
杨琳 重庆市人民政府办公厅 
崔小利 西南大学食品科学学院 
张甫生 西南大学食品科学学院 
夏季 西南大学食品科学学院 
杨小珊 重庆市食品药品检验所 
阚建全 西南大学食品科学学院 
ZHENG Jiong College of Food Science, Southwest University 
YANG Lin General Office of Chongqing Municipal People's Government 
CUI Xiao-Li College of Food Science, Southwest University 
ZHANG Fu-Sheng College of Food Science, Southwest University 
XIA Ji College of Food Science, Southwest University 
YANG Xiao-Shan Chongqing institute for food and Drug control 
KAN Jian-Quan College of Food Science, Southwest University 
摘要点击次数: 2151
全文下载次数: 2074
      食品安全是一个世界性的公共卫生问题, 接连不断发生的恶性食品安全事故, 更加引发了人们对食品安全的高度关注。食品安全问题已经成为影响到我国食品工业以及农业竞争力的关键因素之一, 政府必须重视并加强对食品安全监控体系的管理, 以提高食品安全监管的效率和效果。本文通过介绍美国和欧盟食品安全监控体系的特点, 并结合我国目前食品安全监控体系中存在的弊端与不足, 提出可借鉴欧美国家的经验, 从精简监管机构、健全法律法规体系、整合检验检测体系和构建信息体系等方面不断完善我国的食品安全监控体系。
      Food safety is a public health problem around the world. Continuous malignant food safety accidents caused higher attention among people. The problem of food safety has become one of the key factors for China's competitiveness in food industry and agriculture, thus the Chinese government should attach more importance to the management of food safety regulatory system and strengthen it, in order to improve the effect and efficiency of food safety regulation. This review introduces the characteristics of the food safety regulatory system of USA and EU. At the same time, combined with China's current shortcomings and deficiencies in food safety regulatory system, the paper proposes several valuable suggestions based on the experience of EU and the United States. To be more specific, the Chinese government can improve China's food safety regulatory system through streamlining the regulatory institutions, completing the regulation system, integrating the inspection system and building the information system.
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