Study on the use of big data to promote food and drug smarter supervision
投稿时间:2014-10-13  修订日期:2014-12-03
中文关键词:  大数据  生产质量监控系统  电子监管网  不良反应监测中心  药品监管大数据中心
英文关键词:big data  production quality control system  electronic supervision network  adverse drug reaction supervision center  big data center of drug supervision
丰伟刚 中国食品药品检定研究院; 中国药科大学 
赵瑜 中国食品药品检定研究院 
赵宗阁 中国食品药品检定研究院 
洪建文 广东省食品药品检验所 
罗卓雅 广东省食品药品检验所 
尹利辉 中国食品药品检定研究院; 中国药科大学 
FENG Wei-Gang National Institutes for Food and Drug Control; China Pharmaceutical University 
ZHAO Yu National Institutes for Food and Drug Control 
ZHAO Zong-Ge National Institutes for Food and Drug Control 
HONG Jian-Wen Guangdong Institute for Food and Drug Control 
LUO Zhuo-Ya Guangdong Institute for Food and Drug Control 
YIN Li-Hui National Institutes for Food and Drug Control; .China Pharmaceutical University 
摘要点击次数: 1825
全文下载次数: 3196
      本文概述了大数据的概念, 讨论了利用大数据推进药品“智慧监管”的议题, 为药品监管部门提高监管效率提供参考。从药品生产、流通、使用等环节系统分析了大数据在我国药品监管领域的应用现状。国家、省级药品监管、检验单位以及生产企业都在积极探索大数据在药品监管中的应用, 出现了许多效果明显的实例, 但大数据的建设和应用方面还存在诸多问题。针对这些问题, 本文提出了相应的解决方案。药品监管部门需完善顶层设计, 建设药品监管大数据中心, 整合各系统资源, 采用 “合成作战”模式, 同时加快相关法律法规及政策的出台, 形成善用“大数据”成就药品智慧监管的新局面。
      The article overviewed the concept of “big data” and the issues of using big data to promote drug smarter supervision, which provided a reference for improving the efficiency of supervision for the drug regulatory departments. The application of big data in the field of pharmaceutical regulation was analyzed from the links of production, circulation, and medication, etc. As national and provincial drug administrations, inspections and enterprises were actively exploring the application on drug supervision by using of the big data, there had been many good instances which showed obvious efficient. However, there were still a lot of problems on big-data construction and application. This article provided some appropriate suggestions of solutions. In conclusion, drug regulatory departments need to improve top-level design, build big-data centers for drug supervision, integrate various system resources, apply the “co-operations” mode, and accelerate the introduction of relevant laws and regulations. Finally a new situation of drug smarter regulation by using big data will be created.
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