Application progress of protease in processing of aquatic product
投稿时间:2014-09-24  修订日期:2014-11-09
中文关键词:  蛋白酶  水产品  加工  应用
英文关键词:proteases  aquatic product  processing  application
张娅楠 江西科技师范大学生命科学学院, 国家淡水鱼加工研发技术分中心(南昌) 
赵利 江西科技师范大学生命科学学院, 国家淡水鱼加工研发技术分中心(南昌) 
袁美兰 江西科技师范大学生命科学学院, 国家淡水鱼加工研发技术分中心(南昌) 
陈丽丽 江西科技师范大学生命科学学院, 国家淡水鱼加工研发技术分中心(南昌) 
ZHANG Ya-Nan School of Life Science, Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, National R and D Branch Center for Conventional Freshwater Fish Processing 
ZHAO Li School of Life Science, Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, National R and D Branch Center for Conventional Freshwater Fish Processing 
YUAN Mei-Lan School of Life Science, Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, National R and D Branch Center for Conventional Freshwater Fish Processing 
CHEN Li-Li School of Life Science, Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, National R and D Branch Center for Conventional Freshwater Fish Processing 
摘要点击次数: 2139
全文下载次数: 2998
      我国水域辽阔, 水产资源十分丰富, 水产品产量已连续23年位居世界首位, 水产养殖总量约占全球20%。传统加工工艺处理水产品具有加工利用率低、副产物较高、经济效益差等缺点。将蛋白酶技术应用于水产品加工, 可有效提升产品品质, 提高资源利用率。目前国内外对蛋白酶在水产品中应用的研究, 主要集中于利用蛋白酶获得功能性多肽和氨基酸; 通过分解蛋白质破坏组织内部结构得到高产优质鱼油; 通过外加蛋白酶缩短鱼露发酵时间。另有少数学者研究发现, 蛋白酶水解产物可以作为新型鱼糜抗冻剂。水产品加工过程中的副产物是水产品开发过程中迫切需要解决的难题, 利用蛋白酶技术, 可将副产物加工成具有较高营养价值的鱼油、鱼露等产品。本文主要综述了蛋白酶种类及其在水产品加工中的研究进展。
      The marine resources are very rich in China, the aquatic products output of China has ranked first in the world for 23 years, and the total aquaculture has accounted for about 20% of global. Proteases digestion technology is widely used to improve product efficiency and product quality on the processing of aquatic products. Researches showed that protease could be used to produce functional peptides and amino acids. High yield and high quality fish oil could be obtained by protease which could destroy the internal structure of protein organization. Adding protease could shorten the fish sauce fermentation time. A few studies had also shown the denaturation of surimi protein might be suppressed by the addition of hydrolysates. A big amount of marine by products was produced every year, and how to raise their utilizing efficiency was also a matter of great significance for reducing pollution. This paper reviews the kinds of proteases and the application status of proteases.
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