Research progress on analysis methods of lipid oxidation and degradation compounds in animal-derived food
投稿时间:2014-09-23  修订日期:2014-10-10
中文关键词:  脂质降解  氧化机制  香气  检测方法
英文关键词:lipid degradation  oxidation mechanism  aroma  detection method
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(31471608);“上海市中华绒螯蟹产业技术体系建设”项目(D-8003-10-0208); 上海市教委“食品质量与安全”重点学科建设项目(J50704)
吴娜 上海海洋大学食品学院 
王锡昌 上海海洋大学食品学院 
陶宁萍 上海海洋大学食品学院 
吴芮 上海海洋大学食品学院 
倪逸群 上海海洋大学食品学院 
WU Na College of Food Science and Technology,Shanghai Ocean University 
WANG Xi-Chang College of Food Science and Technology,Shanghai Ocean University 
TAO Ning-Ping College of Food Science and Technology,Shanghai Ocean University 
WU Rui College of Food Science and Technology,Shanghai Ocean University 
NI Yi-Qun College of Food Science and Technology,Shanghai Ocean University 
摘要点击次数: 1707
全文下载次数: 2665
      动物源食品中脂质的氧化降解会引起一系列的化学和物理变化, 对食品品质变化尤其是香气的形成有重要作用。通常这些反应受到温度、氧气、时间等多种因素的影响, 目前尚没有一种检测方法能同时测定氧化过程各个阶段中的氧化产物。本文对食品中脂质氧化降解机制及其检测技术进展进行了综述, 以期为调控脂质氧化程度、改善食品品质提供理论依据。
      Lipid oxidation and degradation in animal-derived food would cause a series of chemical and physical changes, in which the quality of food could be affected, especially the formation of aroma. These changes were usually influenced by many factors, such as temperature, oxygen, and time, etc. It is difficult to find a simple detection method which could apply to all phases of the lipid oxidation and determine all the oxi-dation compounds. The oxidation mechanism and detection method of degradation products in animal-derived food were reviewed in this article, which would provide a theoretical basis for further research of lipid oxidation controlled and improvement of food flavor.
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