肖 剑,李慧琴,陈 楷,梁美丹,林秀敏.食品微生物能力验证样品菌落总数检验方法[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2014,5(10):3343-3348
Detection methods of aerobic plate count on food microbiological proficiency testing
投稿时间:2014-09-11  修订日期:2014-09-30
中文关键词:  菌落总数  能力验证  蔓延菌
英文关键词:aerobic plate count  proficiency testing  the spread of bacteria
肖 剑 广州市食品检验所 
李慧琴 广州中全产品检测有限公司 
陈 楷 广州市食品检验所 
梁美丹 广州市食品检验所 
林秀敏 广州市食品检验所 
XIAO Jian GuangZhou Institute of Food Inspection 
LI Hui-Qin GuangZhou Zhongquan Product Inspection Co,Ltd 
CHEN Kai GuangZhou Institute of Food Inspection 
LIANG Mei-Dan GuangZhou Institute of Food Inspection 
LIN Xiu-Min GuangZhou Institute of Food Inspection 
摘要点击次数: 2641
全文下载次数: 1965
      目的 探讨菌落总数能力验证的检验方法及注意事项。方法 采用PCA直接倾注法、增加覆盖一层琼脂培养基的方法、添加TTC方法、陶瓦盖代替平皿盖的方法同时进行试验, 并采用提前观察、增加观察的频率和培养时间, 加强计数准确性。结果 在前期培养过程中加强观察能够有助于计数, 而延迟培养时间则可避免迟缓生长的细菌漏检; 采用含有0.5%TTC培养基进行培养或陶瓦盖平板法能有效抑制蔓延菌生长, 且不影响总体计数结果。结论 采用多种检验方法有助于菌落总数能力验证试验结果的准确报告。
      Objective To discuss the methods and precaution of aerobic plate count proficiency testing. Methods Four methods were tested including pouring plate count agar directly, covering a layer of agar medium, adding TTC and using terracotta cover instead of petri dish. Meanwhile, using the early observation, in-creasing the frequency of observation and the time of cultivation to strengthen count accuracy. Results The results showed that the accuracy of results during the pre-cultivation counting was improved, and the missing of slow growing bacteria extending the time of cultivation was also avoided. In addition, it was effective to inhibit the spread of bacteria by culturing with the medium containing 0.5%TTC or using terracotta cover, and these methods did not affect the overall count results. Conclusion It is conductive to get accurate results by variety of methods for aerobic plate count proficiency testing.
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