The applicability of two methods for ash determination in food
投稿时间:2013-11-08  修订日期:2014-03-11
中文关键词:  食品灰分  灰化助剂  
英文关键词:food ash  ashing auxiliaries  phosphorus
聂小林 江苏省产品质量监督检验研究院 
孙伟 江苏省产品质量监督检验研究院 
徐春祥 江苏省产品质量监督检验研究院 
NIE Xiao-Lin Jiangsu Province Products Quality Testing and Inspection Institute 
SUN Wei Jiangsu Province Products Quality Testing and Inspection Institute 
XU Chun-Xiang Jiangsu Province Products Quality Testing and Inspection Institute 
摘要点击次数: 1828
全文下载次数: 4875
      目的 探讨《食品安全国家标准 食品中灰分的测定》(GB 5009.4-2010)中灰分的两种测定方法的区别, 以及如何针对不同的样品选择适宜的测定方法。方法 按国家标准规定的两种方法对不同样品的灰分进行测定, 同时测定其含磷量, 通过两者的关系推断适用的方法。结果 检测了10种样本的灰分和磷含量, 含磷较低的样品灰分测定可采用直接灰化法, 测定结果的相对相差小于5%。含磷量高于0.4%的样品的灰分测定应采用加入灰化助剂的方法测定, 且样品的取样量应尽可能小。结论 食品中灰分的测定, 虽然操作简单, 但需注意细节问题, 保证数据结果的准确性。
      Objectives This paper discussed the difference between two ash determination methods described in GB 5009.4-2010 “National food safety standard determination of ash in foods” and how to choose appropriate method for different samples. Methods The ash in samples was determined by methods described in the national standard. In the first method, ashing auxiliaries magnesium acetate was used, while it was absent in the second method. The two methods were then compared, including sample selection, crucible process, sample carbonization, ashing and weighing. Results According to ash and phosphorus content in 10 samples containing less ash can be determined by direct ashing method, the relative phase difference measurement results should be less than 5%. The method involving ashing auxiliaries was applicable to the special samples with phosphorus content above 0.4%. The sampling quantity is small enough. Conclusion It is simple to determine ash in foods, but attention should be paid to the details, in order not to affect accuracy of the result.
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