The improvement of the risk communication mechanism in food additives under the perspective of consumers' right to know
投稿时间:2013-11-01  修订日期:2013-11-01
中文关键词:  食品添加剂  风险交流  消费者知情权
英文关键词:food addictive  risk communication  consumers’ right to know
蔡文杰 北京工商大学法学院 
刘筠筠 北京工商大学法学院 
CAI Wen-Jie School of Law,Beijing Technology and Business University 
LIU Jun-Jun School of Law,Beijing Technology and Business University 
摘要点击次数: 1916
全文下载次数: 1452
      自2009年食品安全法颁布施行以来, 国家在食品添加剂规制方面做出很大改进, 但消费者对食品添加剂安全仍不放心, 某种程度上说明我国在风险交流方面存在很大缺失。风险交流的最重要功能和目的是减少消费者与相关各方信息的不对称, 从而保护消费者的知情权。在我国对食品添加剂的规制逐渐完善的今天, 因消费知情权受侵害而引起的食品添加剂安全事件仍有发生。政府和企业的风险交流意识的缺失以及相关立法的不足是问题所在。
      Since the Chinese Food Safety Law was enacted in 2009, great effort has been made by the government in improving the regulation of food additives. However, fearing about the safety of the food additives is still haunting Chinese consumers, which in some ways indicates the lack of “risk communication”. The most important function and aim of risk communication is to reduce the asymmetry of information between consumers and relevant parties, thereby protecting consumers' right to know. As the regulation of food additives is getting gradual improvement in our country, incidents caused by additives still occur for the infringement of consumers’ right to know. Government and enterprises’ lacking of risk communication as well as the defect of legislation are the main problems.
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