Study on extraction of polysaccharide by ultrasonic dilapidating walls from waste wine yeast slurry
投稿时间:2013-07-26  修订日期:2013-09-13
中文关键词:  响应面法  超声波辅助提取法  破壁  酵母多糖  葡萄酒酵母泥
英文关键词:response surface methodology  ultrasonic-assisted extraction  cell wall disruption  yeast polysaccharide  waste wine yeast slurry
胡云峰 天津科技大学食品营养与安全省部共建教育部重点实验室 
陈君然 天津市食品加工工程中心 
胡晗艳 天津科技大学食品营养与安全省部共建教育部重点实验室 
崔瀚元 天津市食品加工工程中心 
杨秋月 天津科技大学食品营养与安全省部共建教育部重点实验室, 
HU Yun-Feng Key Laboratory of Food Nutrition and Safety, Ministry of Education, Tianjin University of Science and Technology 
CHEN Jun-Ran Tianjin Food Engineering Center 
HU Han-Yan Key Laboratory of Food Nutrition and Safety, Ministry of Education, Tianjin University of Science and Technology 
CUI Han-Yuan Tianjin Food Engineering Center 
YANG Qiu-Yue Key Laboratory of Food Nutrition and Safety, Ministry of Education, Tianjin University of Science and Technology 
摘要点击次数: 1857
全文下载次数: 2270
      目的 利用超声波法提取葡萄酒酵母泥中多糖。方法 研究了酵母浓度、超声温度、超声时间对葡萄酒酵母泥中多糖得率的影响, 并采用响应面分析法对葡萄酒酵母泥中多糖提取工艺进行优化设计。结果 超声波法提取葡萄酒酵母泥中多糖的最佳条件为: 酵母浓度9.10%, 超声温度为65.42 ℃, 超声时间为132.97 min。最终酵母多糖得率为1.85%, 对最佳工艺条件进行验证, 酵母多糖实际得率为1.86%, 结果重复性较好。结论 超声波辅助提取葡萄酒酵母泥中的多糖, 工艺简便, 多糖得率较高, 具有实际的应用价值。
      Objective To establish a method for the extraction of polysaccharide of waste wine yeast slurry by ultrasonic method. Methods On the basis of single factor experiments, the effects of operating conditions, such as yeast concentration, ultrasonic-assisted extraction temperature, and ultrasonic-assisted extraction time, were analyzed by response surface methodology. Results The optimized conditions of ultrasonic-assisted extraction are as following: yeast concentration 9.10%, ultrasonic-assisted extraction temperature 65.42 ℃, and ultrasonic-assisted extraction time 132.97 min. Under the optimized conditions, the extraction yield of yeast polysaccharide was 1.85%. The optimum technological condition was validated. the actual extraction yield of yeast polysaccharide was 1.86%. It showed that the result was stable. Conclusion The ultrasonic-assisted extraction method has a high extraction rate in extracting the polysaccharide of waste wine yeast slurry. The method is simple and practical.
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