Migration of dibutyl phthalate and di-n-octyl phthalate in food-grade plastic packaging bags applied in fried food packaging
投稿时间:2013-06-28  修订日期:2013-07-29
中文关键词:  食品级塑料包装袋  邻苯二甲酸二丁酯  邻苯二甲酸二辛基酯  高温油炸食品  迁移
英文关键词:food grade plastic packaging bag  dibutyl phthalate  di-n-octyl phthalate  high temperature  fried food  migration
赵电波 郑州轻工业学院食品与生物工程学院 
张丽尧 郑州轻工业学院食品与生物工程学院 
白艳红 郑州轻工业学院食品与生物工程学院 
ZHAO Dian-Bo College of Food and Biological Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry 
ZHANG Li-Yao College of Food and Biological Engineering,Zhengzhou University of Light Industry 
BAI Yan-Hong College of Food and Biological Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry 
摘要点击次数: 3041
全文下载次数: 2264
      目的 研究高温油炸油条经聚乙烯食品包装袋包装后, 包装材料中DBP和DnOP两种物质向油条迁移行为。方法 样品经甲醇-饱和正己烷提取, 0.45 μm微孔滤膜过滤后, 用HP-5MS弹性石英毛细管柱进行分离, GC-MS进行检测。结果 油条与包装袋初始接触温度越高, DBP和DnOP的迁移量越大, 当油条初始温度为200 ℃时用PE袋进行包装, 放置60 min后, 油条中DBP和DnOP的迁移量分别为0.70、0.16 mg/kg; 包装后的油条随储藏时间的延长, DBP和DnOP迁移量逐渐增大, 25 ℃条件下贮藏48 h, 油条中DBP和DnOP迁移量分别为0.79、0.24 mg/kg, 4 ℃条件下储藏贮藏48 h的样品中DBP和DnOP迁移量分别为0.63、0.15 mg/kg。4 ℃条件下储藏的样品中DBP和DnOP迁移量均低于25 ℃下储藏样品。结论 DBP和DnOP在油条中最大的迁移量发生在与包装材料接触的表面, 逐渐向油条内部发生渗透迁移。DBP和DnOP的迁移对消费者健康造成潜在危害。
      Objective The migration of dibutyl phthalate (DBP) and di-n-octyl phthalate (DnOP) in food grade plastic packaging bag applied in fried bread stick packaging were investigated. Methods The samples were extracted with methanol- saturated n-hexane. The supernatant were separated by polar HP-5MS capillary column and analyzed by GC-MS after filtering through 0.45 μm membrane filter. Results The amount of migration of DBP and DnOP increased with the initial package temperature increasing. The amounts of migration of DBP and DnOP were 0.70 mg/kg and 0.16 mg/kg respectively in fritter samples which were packaged at 200 ℃ and then stored at room temperature for 60 min. The amount of migration of DBP and DnOP increased with the storage time prolonging after samples were packaged at 200 ℃ initial temperature. The amounts of migration of DBP and DnOP in fritter samples which were packaged at 200 ℃ and then stored at 25 ℃ for 48 h were 0.79 mg/kg and 0.24 mg/kg, respectively. The amounts of migration of DBP and DnOP in fritter samples which were packaged at 200 ℃ and then stored at 4℃ for 48 h were 0.63 mg/kg and 0.15 mg/kg, respectively. The amounts of migration of DBP and DnOP in the samples which were stored at 4 ℃ were lower than that at 25 ℃. Conclusion The maximum amounts of migration of DBP and DnOP occurred in the skin of fritters which were directly contacted the packaging materials, and then migrated to the food inside. There was a potential hazard for the health of consumers because of the migration of DBP and DnOP.
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