Determination of elements contents in Acaudina leucoprocta by inductive coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
投稿时间:2013-05-14  修订日期:2013-06-18
中文关键词:  海参  重金属  动态反应池  电感耦合等离子体质谱法
英文关键词:Acaudina leucoprocta  heavy metal  dynamic reaction cell  inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
贾彦博 杭州市质量技术监督检测院 
林赛君 杭州市质量技术监督检测院 
陈美春 杭州市质量技术监督检测院 
屠海云 杭州市质量技术监督检测院 
单恩丽 浙江工业大学生物与环境工程学院 
JIA Yan-Bo Hangzhou Institution of Quality and Technical Supervision and Inspection 
LIN Sai-Jun Hangzhou Institution of Quality and Technical Supervision and Inspection 
CHEN Mei-Chun Hangzhou Institution of Quality and Technical Supervision and Inspection 
TU Hai-Yun Hangzhou Institution of Quality and Technical Supervision and Inspection 
SHAN En-Li College of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology 
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全文下载次数: 1780
      目的 建立微波消解处理样品, 动态反应池一电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定东海乌参中 Cr、Cu、Zn、 As、Cd、Pb、Ni 七种元素的分析方法。方法 采用以 H2 作为动态反应池反应气, 消除了 ArCl、CaO、MgAr、 CaCl、ArO 和 MgAr 的质谱干扰, 并确定最佳 H2 流量为 75 mL/min, 采用 In、Y、Sc 为内标元素补偿了仪器信 号漂移和基体效应。 结果 方法检出限介于 0.027~0.32 ng/mL, 加标回收率在 83.5%~105.3%之间, 相对标准偏 差为 2.5%~8.2%。结论 本文所建立的方法适用于海参等海产品中多种金属元素的检测分析。
      Objective To establish a method for determination of the seven mineral elements in Acaudina leucoprocta including Cr, Pb, As, Cd, Zn, Cu and Ni by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) with microwave digestion sample treatment. Methods The spectral interference of ArCl、CaO、 MgAr, CaCl, ArO and MgArl was eliminated with H2 as reaction gas of dynamic reation cell. The optimal H2 flow rate was established as 75 mL/min. The instrumental signal shift and matrix effect were compensated with Y, Sc, and In as internal standard element. Results The results showed that the 1imits of detection were in the range of 0.027~0.32 ng/mL, and the recovery rates were at 83.5%~105.3%. The relative standard deviation was 2.5%~8.2%. Conclusion The established methods can be used to determine the seven mineral elements content in Acaudina leucoprocta.
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