Development of serial products with slaughter by-products of yak and Tibetan sheep
投稿时间:2012-12-23  修订日期:2013-03-06
中文关键词:  牦牛  藏系羊  屠宰副产物  系列产品  研制
英文关键词:yak  Tibetan sheep  slaughter by-product  serial product  development
余根来 青海西北骄天然营养食品有限公司 
张保卫 青海西北骄天然营养食品有限公司 
杨小宁 青海西北骄天然营养食品有限公司 
唐锋 青海西北骄天然营养食品有限公司 
陈建宁 青海西北骄天然营养食品有限公司 
余卫 青海省产品质量监督检验所 
温建华 青海省产品质量监督检验所 
沈丽 青海省产品质量监督检验所 
卢挺 青海省产品质量监督检验所 
YU Gen-Lai Qinghai Xibeijiao Natural Nutritional Food Co. Ltd 
ZHANG Baowei Qinghai Xibeijiao Naturally Nutritional Food Co. Ltd. 
YANG Xiao-Ning Qinghai Xibeijiao Natural Nutritional Food Co. Ltd 
TANG Feng Qinghai Xibeijiao Natural Nutritional Food Co. Ltd 
CHENG Jian-Ning Qinghai Xibeijiao Natural Nutritional Food Co. Ltd 
YU Wei Qinghai Institute for Quality Supervision and Test of Products 
WENG Jian-Hua Qinghai Institute for Quality Supervision and Test of Products 
SHEN Li Qinghai Institute for Quality Supervision and Test of Products 
LU Ting Qinghai Institute for Quality Supervision and Test of Products 
摘要点击次数: 2428
全文下载次数: 1722
      目的 立足于青海省丰富的牦牛、藏系羊屠宰副产物资源, 研制开发牦牛、藏系羊屠宰副产物系列产品。方法 借鉴和结合国内外先进的肉品加工工艺和方法, 通过精制、调配、营养强化, 感官指标改进、稳定性试验等工艺过程进行研制。结果 得到牦牛、藏系羊屠宰副产物的熏制、腌制以及汤料等即食系列产品。结论 该类产品形式新颖, 携带方便, 功能属性明显, 食用安全卫生。
      Objective To develop serial products of slaughter by-products of yak and Tibetan sheep based on the abundant resources of slaughter by-products of yak and Tibetan sheep in Qinghai Province. Methods Combined the advanced technology and methods for meat processing at home and abroad for reference, the technological processes for product development was used, such as refining, blending, nutritional consolidation, improvement of sensory index, stabilization test, etc. Results The serial instant products of smoked, and salted food as well as enriched soup made of slaughter by-product of yak and Tibetan sheep were produced. Conclusion These products have new forms and distinct functional properties, which are easy to carry, safe and healthy to eat.
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