Advancement and trend of non-destructive detection technology for assessing agro-products quality and safety
投稿时间:2012-11-15  修订日期:2012-11-30
中文关键词:  农畜产品  品质安全  无损检测  近红外光谱技术  高光谱成像技术
英文关键词:agricultural products  quality and safety  non-destructive detection  near-infrared spectroscopy  hyperspectral imaging technology
彭彦昆 中国农业大学工学院 
张雷蕾 中国农业大学工学院 
PENG Yan-Kun College of Engineering, China Agricultural University 
ZHANG Lei-Lei College of Engineering, China Agricultural University 
摘要点击次数: 3296
全文下载次数: 2430
      本文综述了国内外农畜产品品质安全无损检测技术的研究状况和发展趋势。在农畜产品检测领域, 发现近红外光谱技术、高光谱成像技术、激光拉曼光谱法和X射线荧光光谱法等主要的光学无损检测技术和方法有广泛的研究和应用状况, 它们在果蔬的品质成分分析、农药残留检测与在线分级分拣; 生鲜肉肉品品质检测、品种鉴别与安全评定; 乳品、茶叶等特种农产品的成分分析、品种分类等方面具有重要作用。农畜产品无损检测技术具有广阔的发展前景和应用潜力。
      The paper reviewed the advancement and trend on non-destructive detection technology of agricultural products quality and safety. The major technologies were spectroscopy non-destructive detection methods, including the near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), hyperspectral imaging technology, Raman spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XFR). The applications of the spectral technologies were wide, including detection of the nutritional components analysis, detection of pesticides residue, online grading of fruits and vegetables based on their qualities; detection of meat quality, variety discrimination and safety evaluation of fresh meat; the conventional components analysis, cultivar classification and safety evaluation of special agricultural products. Non-destructive detection technology has an extremely large potential for future development and application prospect to detect agro-products quality and safety.
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