李永玉,彭彦昆,孙云云,DHAKAL Sagar,郭浪花.拉曼光谱技术检测苹果表面残留的敌百虫农药[J].食品安全质量检测学报,2012,3(6):672-675
Detection of trichlorfon pesticide on apple’ surface based on Raman spectroscopy
投稿时间:2012-11-15  修订日期:2012-11-30
中文关键词:  苹果  敌百虫  拉曼光谱  快速无损伤检测
英文关键词:apple  trichlorfon  Raman spectroscopy  rapid and non-destructive detection
李永玉 中国农业大学工学院 
彭彦昆 中国农业大学工学院 
孙云云 中国农业大学工学院 
DHAKAL Sagar 中国农业大学工学院 
郭浪花 中国农业大学工学院 
LI Yong-Yu College of Engineering, China Agricultural University 
PENG Yan-Kun College of Engineering, China Agricultural University 
SUN Yun-Yun College of Engineering, China Agricultural University 
DHAKAL Sagar College of Engineering, China Agricultural University 
GUO Lang-Hua College of Engineering, China Agricultural University 
摘要点击次数: 3019
全文下载次数: 3211
      建立苹果表面残留的敌百虫农药的拉曼光谱无损检测技术。方法 利用激光显微拉曼光谱技术, 以苹果为载体, 敌百虫农药为研究对象, 探讨苹果表面敌百虫农药的快速无损检测方法。结果 敌百虫农药的拉曼特征频率较为丰富, 选取441 cm?1 (P-O键振动)和620 cm?1(C-Cl键振动)处的拉曼信号可识别苹果表面敌百虫农药残留, 检测限为4800 mg/kg。结论 本研究对实现水果表面敌百虫农药残留的快速、无损伤检测具有重要意义。
      Objective To establish a method for the determination of trichlorfon pesticide on apple’ surface by Raman spectroscopy. Methods The paper investigated the use of Raman spectroscopy to detect commercially available organophosphorus pesticide namely trichlorfon on apples’ surface. Results Trichlorfon had rich Raman characteristic frequencies. Among the characteristic frequency, 441 cm?1and 620 cm?1 could be used to identify the trichlorfon residue on apples’ surface with the lowest detection limit of 4800 mg/kg. Conclusion It has an important significance for the non-destructive and rapid detection of trichlorfon pesticide in fruits.
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