Discussion on construction of food safety compulsory insurance system in China
投稿时间:2012-10-29  修订日期:2012-12-12
中文关键词:  食品安全责任保险  强制责任保险  配套制度
英文关键词:food safety liability insurance  compulsory insurance  supporting system
杜波 华北电力大学人文与社会科学学院 
宋云 华北电力大学人文与社会科学学院 
DU Bo School of Humanities and Social Science, North China Electric Power University 
SONG Yun School of Humanities and Social Science, North China Electric Power University 
摘要点击次数: 2837
全文下载次数: 2005
      我国法律确立了责任保险法律制度。责任保险具有分散被保险人的风险、降低社会成本、负担政府责任、促进社会和谐等积极作用。在我国食品安全问题突出的当下, 研究食品安全责任保险具有重要意义。国外的经验表明, 责任保险是政府履行社会管理职能的重要手段。本文对我国食品安全责任保险实施环境, 政府推行食品安全强制保险的条件, 以及如何实施食品安全强制责任保险进行探讨, 并提出了建议。
      The law establishes the legal system of liability insurance in China. Liability insurance can disperse the insured risk and reduce social costs and the burden of government responsibility, which plays a positive role in promoting social harmony. Under present circumstances of serious food safety problems, the studies on food safety liability insurance are important. Foreign experience showed that liability insurance was an im-portant means for the government to fulfill their social functions. This paper discussed the implementation environment of the food safety liability insurance, the conditions that the government carried out the compulsory insurance on, how to implement food safety to explore mandatory liability insurance, and proposed the recommendations.
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